Logo image Elm Springs, LLP

Elm Springs, LLP • Corretor de imóveis

Elm Springs, LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales at the Companies House by # OC444102, and a cooperative member #M046510 with the Co-Ops UK, dedicated to providing sustainable solutions for the future, highly engaged in community projects. We believe that by working together, we can create a better future for all. Therefore, we are voluntarily giving all our support to find investors and buyers for Baltazar’s descendants, legitimate heir Mr. Wilson da Silva Baltazar, very much ready to accept offers and discuss proposals (in person) and on site. This is how we share our contribution.


Listagens de propriedades

Armazéns à venda

Armazém à venda
$15.4M • 36,000 m2 • 24 dias atrás
Quartos de dormir: 1, Banheiros: 10, Andares: 2, Estacionamento: Abrir, ano de construção: 2015

Investimento/Desenvolvimento à venda

Investimento/Desenvolvimento à venda
$59M • 360.37 km2
Uso da terra: Comercial
Investimento/Desenvolvimento à venda
$20M • 3.93 km2
Uso da terra: Recreativo
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Imóveis Internacionais
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