Price shown $32,000 is for 1.6 hectares. Minimum to buy to be able to register in the National land registry is 4 hectares, 10 acres, river to two roads. The marked lot is 75-90 meters x 500-700 meters. It is to give you ideas of the shapes of each lot. The large lot has a total of 120 acres. price $80,000 dollars is for 4 hectares, 10 acres, 40,000 square meters. from Río Negro to the upper highway. The land is surveyed With proper Title, Registration , etc. Each lot has a different price. There are 10 lots in total. Only 5 lots are available now. Approximately $80,000 US dollars. Each. The house shown is an idea of what I can build for you. IF YOU WANT ME TO BUILD ASK. Or any design you like . Or plant CBD if you want. It's up to you. The location size shape is approximate. Exact location and SURVEY are available for serious buyers , ask for pictures of the land by owner direct. Email Or email WRX@POST.COM LINK TO PICTURES OF IF Property HERE: